The local authority in cotton signs a cooperation agreement with the Selah Foundation for Development - Sadahadhramowt | News

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الأحد، 6 نوفمبر 2022


The local authority in cotton signs a cooperation agreement with the Selah Foundation for Development


Cotton / Informing the local authority about cotton:
The local authority in the Cotton Directorate signed this morning, Sunday, November 6, 2022 in the city of Mukalla, an agreement with the Selah Foundation for Development within the agreements for the first component of the project to use renewable energy to improve the quality of life in Yemen (12 solar energy system projects in the governorates of Hadramout - Abyan - Lahj).

  Between the Silah Foundation the implementing contractor (the Foundation and the Project Committees) funded by a tripartite contribution from the Saudi Development Program - Reconstruction of Yemen, the Arab Gulf Program for Development AGFUND and the Silah Foundation for Development and the implementation of the Silah Foundation for Development.

Under the generous patronage of Prime Minister Maeen Abdul-Malik and the signing of a protocol of cooperation between the Selah Foundation for Development with the local authority in the district, as part of the steps to strengthen governance procedures in projects, the agreement was signed by the authority, head of the Planning, Development and Financial Committee of the Local Council, Saleh Salem Saeed bin Khamis.
