The Banks, Companies and Governmental Institutions Championship is a unique event that will be held in Abyan Governorate - Sadahadhramowt | News

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السبت، 5 نوفمبر 2022

The Banks, Companies and Governmental Institutions Championship is a unique event that will be held in Abyan Governorate

Abyan / exclusive / Khaled Abbad:

In a unique event for the first time held at the level of Abyan governorate, preparations are in full swing for the launch of the championship of banks, companies and government institutions.

All arrangements and organizational and technical matters are taking place at a high pace with the efforts of the organizing committee for the championship, led by the head of the committee, Mazen Al-Yazidi, and all members of the committee, consisting of Mr. Khaled Junaid, supervisor of the referees committee, and Muhammad Obaid Qartam, member of the organizing committee for the championship, Hussein Al-Urduni, supervisor of competitions in the Football Association, Abyan branch, brother Bakil Al-Shabhi and head of the media committee. Starring Hashem Sheikhan.

Preparations are underway by the organizing committee for the championship of companies, institutions and government facilities, led by the head of the committee, Mazen Al-Yazidi, to put the final touches so that it will be successful by all standards and be a unique football wedding in the Abyan governorate.

In a statement to the head of the organizing committee of the championship, during the meeting with the team representatives last Thursday, he said that the championship of companies, institutions and government facilities happened for the first time at the level of Abyan governorate, and it is our duty to all of us to contribute to its success.

He pointed out by saying that everyone should cooperate and work in the spirit of one team to bring the championship to safety and convey an honorable image of Abyan, Brazil, Yemen.

He wished success to all participating teams and organizing committees, and that the tournament would be at the level of the event.

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