NASA announces the expected fall of an American artificial satellite to Earth - Sadahadhramowt | News

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الأحد، 8 يناير 2023

NASA announces the expected fall of an American artificial satellite to Earth

Washington / private :

The US space agency "NASA" revealed on Sunday that its artificial satellite "Erbs" will impact the Earth later this evening.

NASA said in a statement that "the probability that the debris of the Earth's radiation budget satellite, or Erbs for short, will cause harm to anyone on Earth is extremely low".

The "ERPs" satellite was launched on October 5, 1984 aboard the space shuttle "Challenger".

Throughout his 38-year stay in space, he continued to collect measurements of the ozone layer and the atmosphere until 2005.

He carried 3 instruments, two for measuring the radiation energy budget of the Earth, and one for measuring the components of the stratosphere, including ozone.

Scientists used this data to study how the earth absorbs and radiates solar energy.

The weight of the satellite "ERPs" is about 5400 pounds (2450 kilograms).

Most of its parts will burn up on re-entry (to the atmosphere), but some pieces are expected to remain intact.

The probability of injury from falling debris is estimated by NASA at about 1 in 9400.

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