Governor of Hadramaut briefed on the conditions of the electricity sector in the Valley and the desert and treatments to improve the service - Sadahadhramowt | News

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الأربعاء، 29 مارس 2023

Governor of Hadramaut briefed on the conditions of the electricity sector in the Valley and the desert and treatments to improve the service

Bad / the media office of the governor of Hadramaut : 

The governor of Hadramaut, Mr. Mabkhout Mubarak bin Madi, was briefed today in the city of Sayoun on the conditions of the electricity sector in the Valley and the desert and the generation capacity of the public Electricity Corporation stations.

During his visit to the General Administration of the basayoun Corporation, the governor listened from the deputy general manager, Eng.Salah Bin Huraiz, to the percentage of capacity deficits and treatments to improve service during increased loads, network maintenance efforts and awareness campaigns to rationalize, familiarizing himself with the level of job discipline in the General Administration and generating stations. 

The governor directed to redouble efforts and find urgent remedies to improve the electricity service for citizens during the holy month of Ramadan and the summer period, and to take legal measures by disconnecting the electricity supply from violators by random connection.

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